-Fair Housing Questions Only (FREE)

Fair Housing and Fair Housing with Role-Play Activity CA Questions only
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Add 2/23 – Fair Housing with Role-Play Activity
1. What Supreme Court case prohibited racial segregation of public schools?
a. Owens v. Williams (1971)
b. Coke v. Storm (1966)
c. Brown v. Board of Education (1954)
d. Long v. Duke (1978)

2. The Unruh Act provides protection from discrimination by all__________ in California
a. de facto dwellings
b. family rental units
c. business establishments
d. residences

3. Violation of the Unruh Act allows for court-ordered damages that may include a maximum of three times the amount of actual damages, but not less than ____.
a. $7,000 for the entire judgment.
b. $500 for each offense.
c. $10,000 for each offense.
d. $4,000 for each offense.

4. Under the 1988 Amendments to the federal Fair Housing Act, which of the following rental properties are exempt from familial status discrimination ?
a. Rentals occupied solely by persons who are 62 or older
b. Rentals to at least one person who is 50 or older in at least 75% of the occupied units
c. Rentals to couples 50 or older in at least 85% percent of the occupied units
d. Rentals to at least one person who is 50 or older in at least 90% of the occupied units

5. In what year was the first Civil Rights Act passed ?
a. 1766
b. 1866
c. 1966
d. 2006

6. Which federal court case overturned a Kentucky state law prohibiting blacks from living in neighborhoods where the majority of homes were occupied by whites and also restricted whites from residing in majority black neighborhoods?
a. Buckley v Martin (1923)
b. Brickhouse v. Moore (1927)
c. Belle v. Warff (1934)
d. Buchanan v. Warley (1917)

7. Under the ADA, renovations or modifications are considered to be alterations when they _____.
a. exceed $20,000.
b. are required to have a building permit for the work.
c. affect the usability of the space.
d. substantiality change the exterior appearance of the property.

8. Persons who believe they have experienced discrimination under the California Unruh Act may file a complaint with the _____.
a. Department of Equal Employment (DEE).
b. OAIG.
c. Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH).
d. FCC.

9. What logo should appear on all real estate ad copy ?
a. The Fair Business logo
b. The Equal Opportunity logo or slogan
c. The Better Business Bureau logo
d. RESPA logo

10. What action must the secretary of the Business, Consumer Services, and Housing Agency, take upon the receipt of a complaint ?
a. The secretary must file for an injunction.
b. The secretary must turn the complaint over to the Governor.
c. The secretary must attempt to eliminate any alleged unlawful practice by conference, conciliation, or persuasion.
d. The secretary must open a class action suit.

11. The Business, Consumer Services, and Housing Agency gives a(n) __________ to the Legislature regarding the status of non-discriminatory lending practices ?
a. annual report
b. daily report
c. monthly report
d. weekly report

12. Which is NOT one of the purposes of the Holden Act ?
a. Encourage increased lending in neighborhoods or geographic areas in which conventional residential mortgage financing has been unavailable.
b. Increase the availability of housing accommodations to creditworthy persons.
c. Ensure the supply of decent, safe housing.
d. Encourage the abandonment and decay of neighborhoods and geographic areas.

13. Which of the following ad statements would be discriminatory ?
a. Adults only
b. No handicapped parking
c. Primary bedroom
d. Ocean view

14. Which act requires credit agencies to maintain confidentiality of the personal credit information of Californians ?
a. The California Consumer Credit Reporting Agencies Act
b. The federal Equal Opportunity Credit Act
c. The Reasonable Credit Reporting Act
d. The Consumer Act of 1999

15. The Equal Credit Opportunity Act (ECOA) bans credit discrimination on the basis of all the following, EXCEPT:
a. poor credit history.
b. age.
c. national origin.
d. religion.

16. The Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA) requires financial institutions to maintain and disclose data about all the following, EXCEPT:
a. home purchases applications.
b. home purchase pre-approvals.
c. home refinance applications.
d. apartment building purchase applications.

17. Which of the following real estate sales transactions are exempt from federal fair housing laws?
a. Broker sales of single-family units
b. Broker sales of duplex units
c. For Sale By Owner
d. The sale of an owner-occupied fourplex using a real estate broker in the transaction

18. How long does a person have to file a discrimination complaint in a federal court rather than with HUD ?
a. Within 10 months of the alleged act
b. Within 6 months of the alleged act
c. Within two years of the alleged act
d. Within three years of the alleged act


1. What symbol is located in the center of the Equal Housing Opportunity Poster?
a. Diamond
b. Equal sign
c. Plus sign
d. Triangle

2. Which act added handicap and familial status to fair housing laws?
a. Fair Housing Amendments Act
b. Equal Housing Act of 1960
c. Status Act of 1982
d. Access Act of 1988

3. What court case decided that certain education requirements used as conditions of employment did not relate to job performance and were prohibited?
a. Owens v. Williams (1971)
b. Coke v. Storm (1966)
c. Griggs v. Duke Power Co. (1971)
d. Long v. Duke (1978)

4. How long does a person have to file a discrimination complaint in a federal court?
a. Within 10 months of the alleged act
b. Within one year of the alleged act
c. Within two years of the alleged act
d. Within three years of the alleged act

5. Another term used to describe blockbusting is _________.
a. quick sale.
b. forced selling.
c. block selling.
d. panic selling.

6. Landlord Fred charges a security deposit of $350 for couples with no children and $450 for couples with children under 5 years of age. What can be said about this practice?
a. Maintaining different pricing, rent, cleaning or security deposit structures for different groups is discriminatory.
b. Fred is allowed to add a surcharge to couples with children under California Law 45-002.
c. Fred is allowed to have adjustable deposits, provided he lives on the rental property.
d. Maintaining different pricing, rent, cleaning or security deposit structures for different groups is not discriminatory.

7. The Unruh Act covers any form of housing which can be termed as a _____.
a. de facto dwelling.
b. family rental unit.
c. business establishment.
d. residence.

8. Violation of the Unruh Act allows for court-ordered damages that may include a maximum of three times the amount of actual damages, but not less than ____.
a. $7,000 for the entire judgment.
b. $500 for each offense.
c. $5,000 for each offense.
d. was $1,000 for each offense but now $4,000 each offense

9. Which of the following real estate sales transactions are exempt from some fair housing laws?
a. Broker sales of single family units
b. Broker sales of duplex units
c. For Sale By Owner
d. The sale of a owner-occupied fourplex using a real estate broker in the transaction

10. Which of the following rental properties are exempt from familial status discrimination?
a. Rentals to at least one person who is 55 or older in at least 65% of the occupied units
b. Rentals to couples 50 or older in at least 85% percent of the occupied units
c. Rentals to at least one person who is 50 or older in at least 75% of the occupied units
d. Rentals occupied solely by persons who are 62 or older

11. In what year was the original Civil Rights Act passed?
a. 1766
b. 1866
c. 1966
d. 2006

12. Which federal court case overturned a state law prohibiting blacks from living in neighborhoods where the majority of homes were occupied by whites?
a. Buckley v Martin (1923)
b. Brickhouse v. Moore (1927)
c. Belle v. Warff (1934)
d. Buchanan v. Warley (1917)

13. Renovations or modifications are considered to be alterations when they _____.
a. exceed $20,000.
b. are required to have a building permit for the work.
c. affect the usability of the space.
d. substantiality change the exterior appearance of the property.

14. Translating real estate marketing material to serve populations that have limited English would be _____.
a. illegal in California.
b. an example of panic marketing.
c. in violation of the Grahm-Undall Act.
d. an example of an affirmative marketing program designed to attract persons in protected classes who would not otherwise be attracted to that property or area.

15. The Unruh Civil Rights Act does NOT provide protection from discrimination by all business establishments in California based on _______.
a. Source of Income
b. Sex
c. Sexual Orientation
d. Level of Income

16. Persons who believe they have experienced discrimination may file a complaint with the _____.
a. Department of Equal Employment (DEE).
b. OAIG.
c. Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH).
d. FCC.

17. Which part of the following rental ad is discriminatory: “Ground floor unit, close to public transportation, quiet community, perfect for mature individuals.”
a. Ground floor unit
b. Quiet community
c. Perfect for mature individuals
d. Close to public transportation

18. What should appear on all real estate ad copy?
a. The Fair Business logo
b. The Equal Opportunity logo or slogan
c. The Better Business Bureau logo
d. RESPA logo

19. Which act prohibits credit discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, marital status, age, or receipt of income from a public assistance program?
a. Equal Credit Compliance Act (ECCA)
b. Equal Credit Loan Act (ECLA)
c. Equal Credit Application Act (ECAA)
d. Equal Credit Opportunity Act (ECOA)

20. What action must the Business, Consumer Services, and Housing Agency, formerly referred to as the Secretary of Business, Transportation and Housing in 2012, take upon the receipt of a complaint?
a. The secretary must file for an injunction.
b. The housing agency must turn the complaint over to the Attorney General.
c. The housing agency must attempt to eliminate any alleged unlawful practice by conference, conciliation, or persuasion.
d. The secretary must open a class action suit.

21. The Business, Consumer Services, and Housing Agency, formerly referred to as the Secretary of Business, Transportation and Housing in 2012, gives an annual report to what entity regarding the status of non-discriminatory lending practices?
a. Legislature
b. Attorney General
c. Governor
d. Senate

22. If an institution has a disproportionately low percentage of loan applications from certain areas, compared to areas immediately surrounding the area in question, what conclusion might be drawn?
a. The institution might be engaging in stuffing.
b. The institution might be engaging in redlining.
c. The institution might be engaging in dodging.
d. The institution might be engaging in controlled lending.

23. What action does the The California Business Transportation and Housing Agency, formerly covered by Secretary of Business, Transportation and Housing in 2012 and earlier, take when an institution has been found not to be engaged in any practice which constitutes a law violation?
a. The secretary will issue a verbal comment to the complainant and the financial institution involved.
b. The Attorney General will issue a written decision incorporating his or her findings of fact and have a copy of the decision served upon the complainant and the financial institution involved.
c. The Legislature will issue a written document of the decision to be served on the complainant and the financial institution involved.
d. The agency will issue a written decision incorporating his or her findings of fact and have a copy of the decision served upon the complainant and the financial institution involved.

24. Which of the following ad statements would be discriminatory?
a. Great bachelor pad
b. No handicapped parking
c. Master suite
d. Ocean view

25. What advice should you follow when placing ads in newspapers?
a. Use a wide variety of newspapers.
b. Use just one newspaper.
c. Avoid neighborhood newspaper ads.
d. Use photos that are bias.

26. Which of the following is NOT a nationwide credit reporting company?
a. Experian
b. TransUnion
c. Equifax
d. TransLux

27. Which act requires agencies to maintain confidentiality of personal credit information?
a. The Consumer Credit Reporting Agencies Act
b. The Equal Opportunity Credit Act
c. The Fair Credit Reporting Act
d. The Consumer Act of 1999

28. The California Business Transportation and Housing Agency, formerly covered by Secretary of Business, Transportation and Housing in 2012 and earlier, might recommend to what office or department that state funds should not being deposit in a financial institution due to poor lender compliance?
a. Treasurer
b. Comptroller
c. Revenue
d. Ways and Means

29. What is the interagency body that administers HMDA?
a. National Financial Institutions Examination Council (NFIEC)
b. State Financial Institutions Examination Council (SFIEC)
c. Financial Institution Council (FIC)
d. Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC)

30. Any applicant for a real estate loan in connection with a housing accommodation who believes that a lender has violated the Unruh Act may file a complaint with the _______.
a. Secretary of Fair Housing.
b. Secretary of Business and Trusts.
c. Department of Fair Employment and Housing.
d. Secretary of Interstate Commerce.



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